Adithya Bhaskara

University of Colorado Boulder; CU Boulder CS Theory, Algorithmic Economics, Google Scholar

Undergraduate Researcher

I am an honors mathematics and computer science student at the University of Colorado Boulder.

I am broadly interested in theoretical computer science and algorithmic economics. Currently, I am seeking to understand liquidity provisioning in automated market makers, with applications to prediction markets for Arrow-Debreu securities and decentralized exchanges. I would like to learn more about computational social choice and complexity theory.

At this time, I hope for an academic career in theoretical computer science. I am an Undergraduate Researcher advised by Rafael Frongillo.

I am not Aditya Bhaskara, Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Utah.


Jul 08, 2024 I’ll be giving a talk at the Blockchain and Decentralized Finance workshop at EC’24 on Bhaskara et al. (2023), joint work with Rafael Frongillo and Maneesha Papireddygari.
Jun 28, 2024 I am honored to receive the Marlene Massaro Pratto and David Pratto Scholarship in Mathematics. This scholarship is awarded annually to exceptional upper level undergraduate Mathematics majors.
May 01, 2023 I’ll be starting at the algorithmic economics group at CU Boulder Theory, seeking to understand liquidity provisioning in automated market makers. I’ll be advised by Rafael Frongillo.
May 05, 2022 I’m honored to have presented on curricular work in cybersecurity I spearheaded at St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Innovation Center to Governor Jared Polis.
Apr 01, 2022 I am honored to receive the Boettcher Scholarship, a full-ride scholarship given to 50 Colorado high school seniors. This scholarship is awarded annually on the basis of superior scholastic ability and intellectual curiosity, evidence of leadership and involvement, service to community and school, and outstanding character.

selected publications

  1. A General Theory of Liquidity Provisioning for Automated Market Makers
    Adithya Bhaskara, Rafael M. Frongillo, and Maneesha Papireddygari
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.08725, 2023